Hellboy is my car as nick named by my fiance. When I got the little red car my credit score was a certain 'satanic' number. Last night on my way back from Kali class I was rear ended. It wasn't bad, somebody rear ended a van which rear ended me. We all got to the side and I went to check on everyone. Hooray for an EDC bag. It had a first aid kit should I have needed it, my phone for a camera, a notepad to write stuff down and a flashlight to see better. Thankfully none of it was needed as my little devil was totally unharmed. Couldn't even find a scratch. (For some reasons that the third time I've messed up the word scratch).
It was bumper to bumper traffic but still enough that combined with Kali classes I'm sore as hell. It was sayoc Kali which is different from the one I regularly take. I'm not sure how its different but it was a small 3 person class and we did exclusively knifes. In fact all the fighters had a belt of 6+ knives. I worked on 3 of 9. The basic attacks partnered with their basic counters or taps. I have the 9 attacks down but combined with the taps we only got through 7. The guy I was training with was also new so he was having trouble remembering some of the moves. Overall it was a great learning experience. I enjoyed the fact that the first tap is your typical untrained 'ahhh' *raises arm to cover*. Also the instructors little demon spawn children, apparently not exhausted from their jujitsu, were told when they say down the class has to drop and do 5 pushups. You can bet money that those evil little girls made us suffer.
I also had an interview yesterday as well. The gentleman is putting together a new SOC/Threat Intel team. He has 3 and is looking for 3 more. There was a situation question which had I been doing it for real I knew I would have gotten it right away. But without seeing the actual email that triggered the investigation I didnt think to ask the right questions, at least not until I'd already run down the rabbit hole. Overall I'm still happy with my performance. I really hope I get the position. While my current job is fine, I do miss security work.
Speaking of security work, I'm working on something a bit closer. We are deploying Snort boxes to our sites and I get to design and stand those up. Not something I've really done in the past but it shouldn't be too hard. (I say knowing full well it'll take me a few days as snort and linux both want to fuck with me.) After dropping my fiance off at work I swung in and picked up the box from the front desk. The joys of working at a hotel downtown, we have 15 minute parking right out front.
I'm still in the process of refining my Urban Every Day Carry (UEDC) bag. Looking at multi-tools and knifes. Pretty sure I will be carrying my pistol in a waste band rather than the bag. Originally I didnt think it would be worthwhile to draw that fast but all this gun talk is getting to me. That is what I get for sitting through a 5 hour long concealed class. God it was a nightmare. 2.5 hours on the instructors personal views on 2nd amendment rights. Which I paid him handsomely for apparently. 1.5 worth of random videos. 1 hour on Utah's concealed carry laws. 0 hours on Oregons carry laws (which is what the class was for) and 0 actual hands on range time. So my fiance who suffered with me will now have a concealed carry (once we drive 2 hours to find a sheriff who will issue it to us) without ever having actually fired a hang gun....Unbelievable.
Also we got snow this week. Its supposed to be off an on all week.
Not sure if these are relevant but lets try them!
#jkd #kali #hellboy #edc #udc #snort #security
It was bumper to bumper traffic but still enough that combined with Kali classes I'm sore as hell. It was sayoc Kali which is different from the one I regularly take. I'm not sure how its different but it was a small 3 person class and we did exclusively knifes. In fact all the fighters had a belt of 6+ knives. I worked on 3 of 9. The basic attacks partnered with their basic counters or taps. I have the 9 attacks down but combined with the taps we only got through 7. The guy I was training with was also new so he was having trouble remembering some of the moves. Overall it was a great learning experience. I enjoyed the fact that the first tap is your typical untrained 'ahhh' *raises arm to cover*. Also the instructors little demon spawn children, apparently not exhausted from their jujitsu, were told when they say down the class has to drop and do 5 pushups. You can bet money that those evil little girls made us suffer.
I also had an interview yesterday as well. The gentleman is putting together a new SOC/Threat Intel team. He has 3 and is looking for 3 more. There was a situation question which had I been doing it for real I knew I would have gotten it right away. But without seeing the actual email that triggered the investigation I didnt think to ask the right questions, at least not until I'd already run down the rabbit hole. Overall I'm still happy with my performance. I really hope I get the position. While my current job is fine, I do miss security work.
Speaking of security work, I'm working on something a bit closer. We are deploying Snort boxes to our sites and I get to design and stand those up. Not something I've really done in the past but it shouldn't be too hard. (I say knowing full well it'll take me a few days as snort and linux both want to fuck with me.) After dropping my fiance off at work I swung in and picked up the box from the front desk. The joys of working at a hotel downtown, we have 15 minute parking right out front.
I'm still in the process of refining my Urban Every Day Carry (UEDC) bag. Looking at multi-tools and knifes. Pretty sure I will be carrying my pistol in a waste band rather than the bag. Originally I didnt think it would be worthwhile to draw that fast but all this gun talk is getting to me. That is what I get for sitting through a 5 hour long concealed class. God it was a nightmare. 2.5 hours on the instructors personal views on 2nd amendment rights. Which I paid him handsomely for apparently. 1.5 worth of random videos. 1 hour on Utah's concealed carry laws. 0 hours on Oregons carry laws (which is what the class was for) and 0 actual hands on range time. So my fiance who suffered with me will now have a concealed carry (once we drive 2 hours to find a sheriff who will issue it to us) without ever having actually fired a hang gun....Unbelievable.
Also we got snow this week. Its supposed to be off an on all week.
Not sure if these are relevant but lets try them!
#jkd #kali #hellboy #edc #udc #snort #security
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